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Quem sou eu

Minha foto
Uma pessoa muito incerta do que pensa, com medo do que os outros vão pensar, mas sem medo de assumir seus problemas.

quarta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2010

Full Moon

Ok, that's a post totally in english. I chose this language because it's very special for me, and I need to tell how I'm thankful to this everpresent friend: The Moon.

Well, you have always been present in my life, you saw my victories and my failures. When my heart was filled with the sweet taste of love, I look to the night sky and there's you. So bright, so cozy, so lovely...

When the Pain took over my soul, you were the only one that brought me some relief. When I was angry, just stare to you is enough to give me peace.

Damn... Now my heart bleeds... I need to heal this deep wound, but it's impossible on my own. As the Great Time doesn't come, I keep living [or not] missing a piece of my soul. A big piece. More than the half.
I am nothing far from my beloved.

And I have to say that I am very thankful to you exist in this world. You were always by my side, and when the Great Time arrives, I will thank you again, and again, and again... Because you kept me alive [or almost] to live that moment.

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